Home   China Trip   Day cycling in Beijing – Go with the flow…whatever works

Day cycling in Beijing – Go with the flow…whatever works

Well after spending a couple of hours assembling the bike I was ready to head out. Bit tricky – no one speaks any English and nothing is in English. Bought myself a SIM card had to sign some detailed forms – all in Chinese. No idea what I got or how long it will last. Headed out for the day to explore. All up I covered around 30 km zig zagging around the city. To say you have to stay alert is an understatement. Stuff going on all over the place. Many electric bikes , small scooters and even wheelchairs in the bike lanes. Most of the place the cars and bikes are separated so it works well. Tried to get the bike into Tienamen Square but not possible. The amount of people flowing into this place was crazy. The whole place was controlled and cordoned off like there was a key event – security checks to enter as well. What I learnt is that you have to go with the flow, expect anything to happen and there not seem to be any rules – whatever works. Did I get lost a few times – well most of the day. Took off around noon and got back after 9pm. Finding the hotel at the end of the day was a challenge.  It was a great day and a great way to see a city and immerse yourself. Wherever I could I took off down a lane way into a local Hutong. The contrast is amazing. It works and flows.  


2 Comments so far:

  1. Tessa says:

    Such a cool, different way to see a new city!

  2. Tessa says:

    Such a cool, different way to see a new city